Apexior Number 1C is a VOC compliant, single Prevents scale buildup
component, easy to apply air dry coating specifically Surface tolerant features
formulated for the hot water-side corrosion prevention
of metal surfaces. Itis a coating that excels insevere Not Recommended For
thermal cyclic immersion service. Apexior Number 1C " Hot water tank service with average operating
is resistant to continuous immersion in boiling water temperature below 200�F (93�C)
and steam from 200�F to 700�F (371�C). Itaids inthe " Immersion insolvents or acids
reduction and prevention of tightbonding of hard scale " Interior of boilers held for long periods incold, wet
and allows for easy cleaning and removal of any scale
layup or standby service
buildup in steam generating equipment. Apexior
Number 1C prevents pitting corrosion and stops
Surface Preparation - Carbon Steel
corrosion that has already begun - except for badly
1. To ensure optimum long-term coating system
pitted areas. Ithas outstanding wetting properties and
performance, surfaces must be clean, dry and free
adheres well to power tooled cleaned areas.
from dirt,oil,grease, salts,welding flux,mill scale,
Equipment coated with Apexior Number 1C will also
rust, oxides, old paint, corrosion products or other
see an increase in heat transfer efficiency. Apexior
foreign matter.
Number 1C performs ideally with water treatment in
2. Remove all surface imperfections that will induce
steam generating equipment.
premature coating system failure. Chip or scrape
off weld splatter. Grind down sharp and rough
Recommended Uses
edges, gouges, and pits.
Apexior Number 1C protects hot water-side surfaces of:
" 3. Abrasive blast surface per specification SSPC-SP
Steam generating equipment
10, Near-White Blast Cleaning , or per NACE
" Hot condensate return tanks
Standard No. 2 to a profile depth of 1.5 - 2.0 mils.
" De-aerators Abrasive used in blasting should be selected
" Hot process tanks carefully from materials of mesh size required to
" Autoclaves, sterilizingequipment produce the desired anchor pattern.
" Heat recovery system 4. If abrasive blasting is not permitted, prepare
" Mud and steam drums surface by power tool cleaning per SSPC-SP 11.
" Steam traps Use 3M brand "Heavy Duty Roto Peen", type C flap
wheel cleaning system mounted on an air-driven
Features motor. This method will provide a surface
" VOC compliant equivalent to that provided by commercial blast
" Airdries, easy to apply cleaning per SSPC-SP 6, including the desired
" Excellent wettabilityproperties surface profile (anchor pattern).
" Easily re-coatable
" Resistant to boiling water/steam to 700�F Mixing
" Increases heat transfer efficiency Redisperse any settled-out pigments by stirring with a
" Outstanding resistance to thermal shock paint paddle followed by thorough mixing to a uniform
(immersion) consistency with an explosion-proof or air-driven power
" Inertto water treatment mixer. Do not open containers until ready to use.
" Keep lid on container when not inuse.

Bulletin Apexior Number 1C
Application Guidelines -Carbon Steel Dry Time 70�F (21�C) 50% RH
Apply first coat of Apexior Number 1C at 3.5�C4.0 mils Apexior Number 1C will air dry in 16-24 hours. Allow
DFT. Allow to dry 6 to 8 hours before applying second equipment to air dry for 7 days before placing
coat at 3.5-4.0 mils DFT. Follow dry time instruction equipment into service. Ventilate the area with a high
before placing inservice. volume of air until there is littleorno odor of solvent
remaining. Coating must be free of solvents prior to
Surface temperature must be at least 5�F (3�C) above being placed into service. Begin ventilation of area
dew point. during application of Apexior Number 1C. A water
Primer: Apexior Number 1C 3.5-4.0 mils immersion temperature of 200�F (93�C) must be
(87-100 microns) achieved for the coating system to withstand water
Topcoat: Apexior Number 1C 3.5-4.0 mils temperature below 200�F (93�C).
(87-100 microns)
Total dry filmthickness 7.0-8.0 mils Cleanup
(175-200 microns) Thoroughly flush spray equipment and hoses
immediately after use with Dampney 100 Thinner.
Application Equipment Dismantle spray equipment and clean parts, brushes
Apexior Number 1C may be applied by conventional and rollerswith Dampney 100 Thinner.
spray, airless spray, or brush. Do not apply Apexior
Number 1C in heavier films than specified since Storage
blistering may occur. During application of Apexior Store in a cool, dry place with temperature between
Number 1C ventilate area with high volume ofair.
50�F and 100�F (10�C and 38�C). Keep container
closed when not inuse.
Conventional Spray:
Spray gun Binks 95
Precautionary Information
Air hose 1/4nps(m)
WARNING: Combustible Liquid and Vapor. Keep
Fluid hose 3/8 nps(m)
away from heat, sparks and flame. Vapors may cause
Air nozzle 67PB
flash fire. Do not breathe vapors or spray mist. Avoid
Fluid nozzle 67SS
contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Use with
Orifice size .086
adequate ventilation during mixing and application.
Atomizing pressure 35-40 lbs Wear an appropriate, properly fitted organic vapor
Pot pressure 10-15 lbs cartridge-type respirator (NIOSH approved) during and
after application unless air monitoring demonstrates
Airless Spray: vapor/mist levels are below applicable limits. Follow
Spray gun Graco 205-591, 208-663 respirator manufacturer‘s directions for respirator use.
Fluid tips* 163-610, 163-315 Wash thoroughly after handling. Wear protective
Pump Graco Bulldog 30:1 gloves, chemical safety goggles and impervious
Fluid hose 3/8��to 1/2��ID protective clothing. Use skin cream. In confined
Air pressure to pump 100psi spaces it is required to use a positive pressure
Pump operating pressure 80-90 psi supplied-air respirator (NIOSH approved). Use

* Use Reverse-A-Clean tips forfast, easy clean out. explosion-proof lights and electrical equipment. Use
only nonsparking tools and equipment. Wear
Brush: conductive and nonsparking footwear. Make certain all
electrical equipment is grounded. Observe all safety
Do not use synthetic bristle brushes. Using the side of
precautions and follow procedures described inOSHA
the brush, scoop Apexior Number 1C from the
container and apply in sweeping strokes, overlapping
the brush strokes. Do not attempt to remove brush
See Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for complete
precautionary and disposal information.
Ifinstructions and warnings cannot be strictlyfollowed,
Only thin Apexior Number 1C with Dampney 180
do not use this product.
Thinner. Note: Use of other thinners not approved by
Dampney may hinder product performance and void

Bulletin Apexior Number 1C
Characteristics Apexior Number 1C
GenericType Organic
Color Black
Temperature resistance(wetonly)
Continuous 700�F (371�C)boilingwater/steam
Percent(%) Solidsby volume 34
Dry filmthicknesspercoat 3.5-4.0 mils(87- 100 microns)
Wet filmthicknesspercoat 9.0-12.0 mils(225 -300 microns)
Theoreticalcoverage 550 mil.sq.ft.pergallon
13.2sq. m.@ 25 micronsper liter
Applicationtemp.@ 50% RH 50�F-120�F (10�C-50�C)
Dryingtime @ 50% RH 70�F (21�C)
To touch 6 -8hours
To recoat 16 -24 hours
*Fullcure@ 70 F (21oC) 7 days
Weight pergallon
ApexiorNumber 1C 10.2lb(4.6kg)
Dampney 180 Thinner 7.5lb(3.4kg)
Flashpoint 109�F (43�C)
Potlife N/A
Shelflife 1 year
Volatileorganiccompounds 3.5lb./gal.(419g./l.)
* A water immersion temperature of 200�F (93�C)must be achieved for the coatingsystem towithstand water
temperaturebelow 200�F (93�C).

ACRYLIC DTM Rust Resistant Coating supplier manufacturer Corrosion-Resistant Elastomeric High-Build Coating and Vapor Barrier supplier manufacturer HOT PIPE COATING supplier manufacturer HOT SURFACE COATING supplier manufacturer Inorganic Hybrid Zinc Rich Protective High Temperature Primer supplier manufacturer Non and Conductive Coatings supplier manufacturer Rust Conversion Coating supplier manufacturer Single Component Air Dry Coating supplier manufacturer

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